
admin 812 2022-11-18 09:48:03




Is Mexico more developed than China for always having a higher GDP per capita (nominal) until 2019? Why do many people view Mexico as a poor country?墨西哥的人均GDP2019年之前一直比中国高,为什么还是有很多人认为墨西哥是一个穷国?


Qi Chen, Electrical Engineer (2017-present)In a sense, China’s GDP is kinda of a mystery. No, this isn’t the “China overstated its GDP” as craved by many Americans. Just the opposite actually, having been to a lot of places around the world, China’s development and living standard is way higher than its GDP per capita would indicate, especially in high end education, R&D, public infrastructure, etc.And no, PPP doesn’t fully explain it either. In fact, China’s ranking in GDP per capita by PPP is lower than its GDP per capita by nominal amount and living standard on the ground in countries with comparable GDP per capita isn’t anywhere near China’s level.在某种程度上,中国的GDP是一个谜。不,事实不是许多美国人心心念念的中国夸大了自己的GDP。事实恰好相反,我去过世界上很多其他地方,知道中国的发展程度和生活水平要比其人均GDP所表明的要更高,尤其是在高等教育,研发,和公共的基础设施等购买力平价并不能完全解释这个现象。事实上,中国购买力平价的人均GDP排名要比名义GDP排名要低,GDP相当的国家中没有一个国家的生活水平能比得上中国的。

There are speculation on why this is happening and there are several theories:1:The Chinese GDP method (production based) actually ignores quite a lot of service/labor based activities and products internally consumed doesn’t make to GDP calculation as well. So in essence, a significant portion of Chinese economic activities simply doesn’t make it to the GDP calculation, but it is physically present, the living quality is impacted by them.2:The Chinese infrastructure is comprehensive enough that many convenience provided higher quality infrastructure doesn’t generate much GDP, but makes people’s lives much easier.有人推断出现这种情况的原因,有以下几种观点1:中国的GDP计算方法(以生产为基础)实际上忽略了相当多的基于服务/劳动的活动,而内部消费的产品也不对GDP的计算产生影响。因此,从本质上讲,中国经济活动的很大一部分根本没有被计入GDP当中,但这是客观存在的,中国人的生活水平受到了这些活动的影响2:中国的基础设施相当的全面,更高水平的基础设施提供的诸多便利并没有产生大量的GDP,但这让人们的生活变得更加便捷3:The Chinese currency is still significantly undervalued. So when translated into dollars, the economic size of China is understated along with it.4:Distribution of goods and services are more efficient. As the result, less GDP is being generated, but actual goods and service reaching people is more.3:人民币的价值被极大的低估。因此转换成美元时,中国经济的规模也随之被低估了4:商品和服务的分配更加的高效。虽然产生的GDP变少了,但到达人们手中的商品和服务却变得更多了5:Personal reasons. Foreign tourists going into unfamiliar places may not know the best place to shop, live in the area. Since I am Chinese, I know quite well where to find cost-effective place to shop, where to get good services in China, but when I went to countries I am not familiar with, I may be overpaying for lesser quality of goods and service.5:个人原因。外国游客进入陌生的地方可能不知道最好的购物地点,和住宿地点在哪。由于我是中国人,我知道在中国哪里可以找到廉价的购物商店和好的服务,但当我去了不熟悉的国外,我可能要为质量更低的商品和服务付更多的钱Manuel García, lives in Mexico在墨西哥生活This is because, you know, Mexico is a poor country.China is also seen as a poor country, but the difference with Mexico is that China is making poor people become middle class while Mexico has stopped doing that long time ago. So, China easily can be more attractive now than Mexico.Imagine that Mexico was like Detroit, it was growing very quickly and it was becoming very prosperous. But, bad government and wrong choices halted the growing of such country and the poverty has increased. Mexico has been under bad governments more that 50 years in a row, this has a heavy toll in its populace.你知道,原因在于,墨西哥是一个穷国中国也被认为是一个穷国,但与墨西哥不同的是,中国正在努力让穷人变成中产阶级,但很久以前墨西哥就不再这么做了。因此,现在中国轻易的就能在吸引力方面超过墨西哥把墨西哥想象成过去的底特律,过去发展的很快,变得非常的繁荣。但是,糟糕的政府和错误的选择让国家的发展停滞不前,贫困现象不断增加。连续50年来,墨西哥的政府都很糟糕,这给墨西哥人民带来了巨大的损失Yes, Mexico has a good internal market and a purchase power somewhat attractive, but what makes Mexico a poor country is the difference between rich and poor people. You can go to a very nice mall with a lot of foreign and expensive stores and restaurants, but when you go out, you will see poor people, mostly indigenous women with their children selling something at the street or just asking money.Mexico is a very corrupted country and that makes it a poor one, with no clear way for its future.没错,墨西哥拥有良好的国内市场,和诱人的购买力,但巨大的贫富差距让墨西哥成为了一个穷国。在高档商场里面,你可以见到很多卖外国奢侈品的店铺和餐厅,但当你出去以后,一眼就能见到穷人,几乎都是本地的妇女,带着孩子在街角卖东西,或讨钱。墨西哥是一个极度腐败的国家,这也是它成为穷国的原因,对于未来没有明确的道路

Haoyu WangIn 2020, the Chinese GDP (PPP) per capita was 20,984 PPP dollars.This is in comparison to Mexico’s 21,363 PPP dollars.I think that when we are trying to assess whether a country is poor or not, we should not really be looking at the average level of GDP per capita or household income, but also take into consideration inequalities levels within the countries itself.2020年,中国按购买力平价来算的人均GDP是20,984美元相比之下,墨西哥是21,363美元我认为当我们试图评估一个国家是否贫穷时,我们不应该仅仅盯着人均GDP或家庭收入这些东西,要同时考虑到国家内部的不平等水平For many years, china has been portrayed as being prosperous etc. because all the pictures on the news that we would see often come from large cities, where the standard of living is certainly higher than most other cities in the world.Yet when you take a look at the rural villages located in china’s western area, you start to notice the difference.多年来,中国一直被描绘为一个富裕国家,这是因为我们在新闻上看到的所有图片往往是来自于大城市,这些地方的生活水平肯定要比世界上大部分城市要高。但是当你看一下中国西部的农村地区时,你就会开始注意到有什么差别了。

Sadrak CinaNow China has more gdp per capita than MexicoThis is the photo of world map based on gdp per capita by imf现在中国的人均GDP要比墨西哥高下面这张IMF根据人均GDP制作的


As you seen that Mexico has gdp per capita lower than $10000 and China now has more than $10000And the reason for other countries look Mexico as a poor country although has higher gdp than 10 european countries is that the Mexico GDP heavily influenced by this guy, Carlos Slim, the richest person in Mexico. Carlos Slim has net worth $54 billion compared to Mexico GDP of $1,04 trillion dollar which make Carlos Slim make 4 percent of Mexico GDP although he is only 0,0000000078 percent of Mexico’s population so average gdp per capita without Carlos Slim and his wealth is $7664 dollar正如你所看到的那样,墨西哥的人均GDP已经低于1万美元,而中国在1万美元以上。虽然有10个欧洲国家的GDP都比不过墨西哥,但其他国家仍然视墨西哥为穷国的原因在于墨西哥的GDP受到墨西哥首富卡洛斯·斯利姆的巨大影响。墨西哥的GDP规模是1.04万亿美元,而卡洛斯·斯利姆的个人净资产为540亿美元,占墨西哥GDP的4%,剔除卡洛斯·斯利姆以后,墨西哥的人均GDP是7664美元。

Dylan Duarte, former Lawyer 前律师Mexico, like China, is considered an emerging country or a newly industrialized country, where both nations have added millions of people within the middle class, improving the standard of living of its inhabitants (although the process in Mexico has been slower). The misconception that Mexico is a poor country stems from mexican migration to the United States, as the idea that all Mexicans belong to that social class and aspire to emigrate from the country tends to generalize, but has become stereotyped.墨西哥和中国一样被视为新兴国家和新兴工业国,两国数百人成为了中产阶级,人民的生活水平得到了极大的提高(虽然这一进程在墨西哥已经逐步减缓)。认为墨西哥是一个穷国的错误观念来源于墨西哥人向美国移民,认为所有墨西哥人都渴望向美国移民的观念已经成为了一种刻板印象。

Unlike China, a country with more people born on its territory living in another country, where the fact of its growing economy has increased the importance of the migratory problem of its habitants. Both China and Mexico are economically rich countries, but with poor distribution of wealth, where there is great development and immense opulence and luxury, but also devastating extreme poverty.与中国不同的是,在墨西哥出生的人有更多去了另一个国家生活,不断发展的经济让墨西哥人的移民问题的重要性与日俱增。中国和墨西哥都是经济富裕的国家,但由于财富分配欠佳,两国虽然取得了巨大的发展和繁荣,但也存在贫困

David Liuhigher per capita GDP is not equal to more developed/industrialized.those second world countries like russia/East europe /china/north Korea are always much more industrialized than most 3Rd world countries like Mexico .even when russia/china per capita GDP was less than Mexico in 1990s, rusdia/china could still produce many high~tech industry products that only most developed countries can master,such as spaceship/nuke~subs.更高的人均GDP并不等于更高的工业化程度那些第二世界国家,如俄罗斯,东欧,中国,朝鲜,要比墨西哥这样的第三世界国家工业化程度更高即便在1990年代俄罗斯和中国的人均GDP比墨西哥更低时,俄罗斯和中国仍然可以生产许多高科技的工业品,而这些如太空飞船和核潜艇的东西,一般是只有大多数发达国家才能掌握的。
