
勇华 1018 2023-05-30 11:56:04

Made-in-China to shine on World Cup stage中英双语·“中国制造”闪耀卡塔尔世界杯,中国自主品牌扬威海外

The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is scheduled to kick off in Qatar on Sunday. Although the Chinese national football team won't be playing, Chinese manufacturing looks set to shine on the stage of the global football extravaganza.



China-made products ranging from buses to stadium and even air conditioners are well represented at the event, making it an excellent stage to showcase Chinese manufacturing, and experts said that it reflects China's pivotal position in the global manufacturing industrial chain and its resilience against the impact of the epidemic.


Yutong Bus, a leading global manufacturer of electric buses, told the Global Times on Friday that 1,500 of its buses will serve at the event. Of these, 888 electric buses will provide public transportation and shuttle services for officials, journalists and fans of various countries going from venue to venue.

全球领先的电动客车制造商宇通客车(Yutong Bus)周五告诉《环球时报》,该公司的1,500辆客车将参加此次活动。其中,888辆电动巴士将为各国官员、记者和球迷提供往返场馆的公共交通和班车服务。

Yutong vehicles will account for more than 30 percent of the total vehicles in operation during the World Cup period, and its electric vehicles will account for more than 25 percent the total vehicle available, the company said.


This will be the first time that new-energy buses are used as the main mode of transport in the World Cup, and it is also the first time that Chinese new-energy buses have made their debut in a major international sports event, according to the note the company sent to the Global Times.



Electrical appliance manufacturing giant Midea Group also told the Global Times on Friday that the 2,500 Midea air conditioners in 100 security check centers of the seven World Cup competition venues installed and maintained by the Qatar Midea distributor have been officially delivered to the organizing committee.



China's leading heavy equipment manufacturer SANY Group is also riding on the construction wave brought by the World Cup. The group said on its official WeChat account that nearly 100 pieces of Sany equipment of various types were used in the construction of all eight World Cup venues, including 15 truck cranes, five 220-ton and 600-ton all-terrain cranes, 30 large excavators, and five pump trucks during the five-year construction period.



Against the backdrop of the slowdown of industrial chains as a result of the worldwide epidemic, China's manufacturing is upgrading its industry, and has made positive contributions to the global industrial chain and the stability of the supply chain, Chen Jia, an independent international strategy analyst, told the Global Times on Friday.


"China's manufacturing sector is constantly speeding up greening and intellectualization, which has played a strategic role in smart manufacturing under the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative," said Chen.


In addition, state-owned enterprises are also making contributions to the event. Lusail Stadium, the main venue for this year's World Cup, was constructed jointly by the China Railway Construction Corporation. Shaped like a date palm bowl and an enamel lantern, it will host the final, scheduled for December 18. It is the first time a Chinese company has built a World Cup venue. Lusail Stadium is featured on the new 10-riyal banknote of Qatar.



China's container giant China International Marine Containers was behind the construction of Qatar Stadium 974, which was assembled with 974 containers, so the stadium can be easily disassembled. It is also the first fully demountable stadium in the history of the FIFA World Cup.Another feature of the stadium is that it allows natural wind to circulate inside it, so there is no need for an air-conditioning system, which can save a lot on energy costs.

中国集装箱巨头中国国际海运集装箱公司(China International Marine Containers)参与了卡塔尔974体育场的建设,该体育场由974个集装箱组装而成,因此体育场很容易拆卸。这也是国际足联世界杯历史上第一座完全可拆卸的体育场。体育场的另一个特点是,它允许自然风在体育场内循环,因此不需要空调系统,这可以节省大量能源成本。

The 800-megawatt Al Kharsaah photovoltaic (PV) power station in Qatar was put into operation on October 18. Generally contracted by Power Construction Corporation of China, the station is the first non-fossil fuel power station in the country and one of the largest PV power stations in the Middle East.

卡塔尔800兆瓦的Al Kharsaah光伏电站于10月18日投入运营。该电站由中国电力建设公司总承包,是该国第一个非化石燃料发电站,也是中东最大的光伏电站之一。

The company said there will be power supply before the World Cup and it will also strongly support Qatar's commitment to hosting a "carbon-neutral" World Cup.



What Chinese enterprises bring to the world are Chinese products and services that are full of world-leading technologies, and which have laid the foundation for Chinese manufacturing to enter the global high-end product market, Song Xiangqing, vice president of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University and director of the Industrial Economy Research Center, told the Global Times on Friday.


"It is a global promotion of China's own brands, and it will help to increase global trust in Chinese manufacturing," he added.


In addition, according to the Yiwu Sports Goods Association, Yiwu manufacturing accounted for almost 70 percent of the market share of all the items to be used in Qatar, including participating countries' flags of the top 32 teams, trumpets and whistles for cheering, soccer balls, jerseys, scarves and World Cup decorations.


Many Chinese enterprises have made their global debut by sponsoring the World Cup. Four Chinese enterprises are in this year's official sponsor list - Wanda Group, Vivo, Mengniu Dairy and Hisense.




Chinese manufacturing 中国制造业

the global football extravaganza 全球足球盛会

ranging from 从…排列

air conditioner 空调机 ; 空调设备

pivotal position 关键位置

resilience 恢复力 ; 弹力 ; 适应力 ; 快速恢复的能力 ; 还原能力

epidemic 流行病 ; 泛滥,蔓延 ; 流行性的 ; 极为盛行的

shuttle services 班车服务

the total vehicle available 运营车辆总数

account for (数量或比例上)占;导致,解释(某种事实或情况);解释,说明(某事);(某人)对(行动、政策等)负有责任;将(钱款)列入(预算)

debut 首次亮相 ; 初次登台 ; 问世 ; 初次表演 ; 首次发行的,首次出版的

be officially delivered to 正式交付

install and maintain安装和维护

Midea distributor 美的分销商

leading heavy equipment manufacturer 领先的重型设备制造商

cranes 起重机 ; 吊车 ; 鹤 ; 探着身子 ; 伸长

excavator 挖掘机 ; 挖土机 ; 发掘者

backdrop 背景 ; 背景幕布 ; 周围陪衬景物

supply chain 供应链

Belt and Road Initiative 一带一路倡议

date palm 海枣

disassemble 拆卸 ; 拆开 ; 反汇编 ; 散开 ; 分散

China International Marine Containers 中国国际海运集装箱公司

the first fully demountable stadium 第一个完全可拆解的体育馆

circulate 循环 ; 流传 ; 传播 ; 传阅 ; 环流 ; 散布 ; 传送 ; 传递 ; 往来应酬

photovoltaic 光电池的

non-fossil fuel power station 非化石燃料发电站

lay the foundation for 为;;;;;;奠定基础

a global promotion of China's own brands 中国自主品牌的全球推广

trumpets and whistles for cheering 为球队加油的喇叭和口哨

Dairy 乳品的 ; 牛奶的 ; 奶制的 ; 乳品业的 ; 生产乳品的 ; 牛奶场 ; 乳品场

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