timebomb(Time Bomb 小心你身边的时间炸弹)

小翠 873 2023-07-12 16:44:03

Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”


Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

唉,这种可恨之人不说也罢,但怎么用英语来形容身边存在的这种人呢?有个短语很简单,就是--time bomb,对了,就是定时炸弹,它可不光是炸弹,更是用来形容一种不可控的情况局面或潜在的危险隐患。

Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

time bomb

潜在危险;隐患; 定时炸弹

Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

【En】A situation that is likely to become difficult to deal with or control. 一种可能变得难以处理或控制的情况。A time bomb is a bomb with a mechanism that causes it to explode at a particular time. 定时炸弹是一种能在特定时间引爆的炸弹。If you describe something as a time bomb, you mean that it is likely to have a serious effect on a person or situation at a later date, especially if you think it will cause a lot of damage. 如果你把某件事描述成一个定时炸弹,你的意思是它很可能在以后对人或情况产生严重的影响,尤其是如果你认为它会造成很大的破坏。

Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

【例】Tom's temper is like a time bomb waiting to go off.


【例】This proposal is a political time bomb that could cost the government the next election.


【例】Unemployment is building up into a social time bomb across the industrialised world.


Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

【例】By ignoring the wishes of their employees, the managers are setting/creating a time bomb for themselves.

忽视了雇员的愿望,管理人员等于是在给自己埋下/制造一颗定时炸弹 / 隐患。

【例】The prison governors are sitting on a time bomb (= are having to deal with a bad situation that is likely to become difficult to deal with or control).


Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

【例】A time bomb explode twenty minute after the plane take off.


【例】The criminal has admitted to putting the time bomb inside the railway station.


Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

Scene Dialogue 【情景对话】time bomb 潜在危机Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

Let's take a look watch for the phrse "time bomb".

让我们看一下“time bomb”这个短语。

The whole housing market is propped up on these bad loans. They will fail. The housing market is rock solid! It's a time bomb!

整个房地产市场都是靠这些不良贷款支撑起来的。他们将会失败。房地产市场坚如磐石! 它是一个隐患!

So, what's that mean, is it a time bomb~


A/ A bomb that will go off at a set time?

A/ 一个定时爆炸的炸弹?

B/ Or, A kind of clock?


Listen it again and see if you're corrected.


Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

That "time bomb" is one that explodes on a timer, the movie talk about a crisis that will explode, not an actual bomb.


A time bomb ticks or makes a clicking sound. building attention, people can be time bombs too!


Worry builds up, and they can explode by yelling or using bad language.


Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”

Time Bomb 小心你身边的“时间炸弹”
