欧洲篮球(前所未有比利时猫队夺得欧洲篮球锦标赛的冠军European champions Go Belgian Cats)

小翠 683 2023-07-23 09:44:03


We are the champions!


On last Sunday, 25th of June, the Belgian Cats (the official name for Belgian Women’s Basketball team) won the European basketball championship in a thrilling final match against Spain! That was a historic victory, for it is the first time Belgium takes gold at Women's Eurobasket champions. On Tuesday evening, they were welcomed and celebrated at the Grand Place in Brussels by around 3500 fans. The crowd was filled with proud and happiness. Our proud Prime Minister Alexander De Croo was also there to greet and congratulate our champions.

前所未有!比利时猫队夺得欧洲篮球锦标赛的冠军!European champions! Go Belgian Cats!

自2017年欧锦赛上获得第一枚铜牌以来,这支“黄金一代”一直在成长。在教练菲利普·梅斯达格的带领下,比利时猫队已经在奥运会(获得第7名)和过去两届世界杯(2018年获得第4名,2022年获得第5名)上展示了她们的实力 。但在篮球运动中,从来没有一支比利时队能够在大型国际赛事中登上最高领奖台。

Since its first bronze medal at the 2017 European Championships, this golden generation has been growing. The Belgian Cats had already shown how much they had in store at the Olympics (7th) and at the last two World Cups (4th in 2018 and 5th in 2022) , led by coach Philippe Mestdagh. But never in basketball had a Belgian team managed to climb to the top podium at a major international tournament.


比利时人在斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔雅那超越了自己。在经历了艰难的比赛后,比利时猫的姑娘们在最后一战开始的时候恢复了过来。最后一场比赛开局不利。到中场休息时,比利时人落后了7分。比赛的后半段则是另一番景象。转折点出现在艾玛·梅斯曼(Emma Meesseman)的一个三分球上。三分钟后,西班牙队首次落后。我们的姑娘们随后扩大了领先优势,比赛以64-58结束。我们赢了!

The Belgian women's team had completed the group stage smoothly. To reach this European final, it had to fight to beat the Serbian players in the quarter-finals, then the French in the semi-finals. And for this apotheosis against the Spanish ladies, the Belgians' cards certainly did not lie favourably.

The Belgians outdid themselves in Ljubliana, Slovenia. After a tough start in the competition, Belgian Cats recovered at the start of the last quarter. The final game also had a shaky start. By the break, the Belgians were 7 points behinds. The latter half of the game was a different story. The turning point came when Emma Meesseman scored a three-pointer. Three minutes later, Spain was behind for the first time. Our women then widened their lead and the match ended, 64-58. We won!

前所未有!比利时猫队夺得欧洲篮球锦标赛的冠军!European champions! Go Belgian Cats!



To Belgian TV channels, voted best player of the tournament Emma Meesseman jubilated:


We have just written the most beautiful page in our history. What we did was extremely difficult. To be the best, we had to beat the best. And we did it!

下一篇:世界杯伊朗vs葡萄牙(世界杯C罗造点后罚失 夸雷斯马天外飞仙 葡萄牙补时丢球11伊朗)